Strom života is a non-profit organization, registered as a civic organization and has over 40 years of experience throughout Slovakia. Strom života organizes year-round programs for kindergartens and primary schools focused on environmental education, outdoor education, and Inquiry-based learning throughout Slovakia. Activities provided by organizations awaken children’s desire to learn, change, and act in favor of protecting and enhancing life on Earth through its experiential education about nature, the environment, and the quality of life. At the same time this organization tries to evolve emotional intelligence in children, influence their value system and strengthen their personal responsibility towards themselves, others, and the world.
Strom života pays attention to topics such as personal development of children and youth, mainly through the development of creativity, communication and presentation skills, talent, reading literacy, competent media handling, and critical thinking. The organization also supports artistic activities of young people, activities which support a healthy lifestyle, and activities that develop innovative and technical skills which are essential for their future life.
The organization places particular emphasis on interactivity (teamwork, active citizenship,), personal experience (inquiry based learning and volunteering), spending time in nature (outdoor education).
The Centro de Apoio Social de Pais e Amigos da Escola nº10 – CASPAE 10 is a Private Organization of Social Solidarity (IPSS), in Coimbra (Portugal).
CASPAE has the mission to promote social welfare answers that help individuals to value themselves and their welfare, and facilitate their inclusion in society. Therefore, we pursue the values of solidarity, commitment, responsibility, cooperation and development.
CASPAE was founded in the 2000 by a group of parents, to answer the need to have a place inside school nº 10 where children could stay and be cared for before and after school time and during the holidays – a Child Care Activities Center. Throughout the years, other schools asked CASPAE to provide this service, and today we provide these non-formal educational services in 11 primary schools in Coimbra.
CASPAE has grown and widen its area of intervention and today we are responsible for providing other welfare and educational services, such as school meals (8 schools), curriculum enrichment activities (17 schools, 2500 pupils), Sports Academy (250 children) and Holiday Camps. We also provide welfare services to the seniors, namely Home Care Assistance Services. Furthermore, we develop and promote social intervention and educational projects (10 in the last 3 years, with a funding of more than 1million euros).
We have a multidisciplinary team of more than one hundred people: teachers, psychologists, social workers, educators, caretakers, qualified drivers, among others.
Mine Vaganti НВО е непрофитна организација основана во Сардинија во 2009 година, чии услуги опфаќаат образование и обука, дизајн и развој на проекти, тематски истражувања, меѓународна мобилност и консултантски услуги - во секторите млади, возрасни, образование и спорт. MVNGO има 3 канцеларии во Сасари, Олбија и Темпио Паусанија, кои влијаат на северот на Сардинија и допираат со своите оперативни филијали до многу други региони во Италија, низ Европа и пошироко.
Членовите на MVNGO работат во посветени тимови за да креираат, развиваат и спроведуваат меѓународни проекти во истражување, иновации или размена на добри практики, понекогаш достигнувајќи ја целта преку семинари и/или курсеви за обука. Во рамките на работните тимови на MVNGO, обучувачите/фасилитаторите (акредитирани во Салто) уживаат огромно искуство и се подготвени да бидат вклучени во спроведувањето на предложените проекти. Организацијата се состои од 10 членови на персоналот со полно работно време, 15 соработници привремено вработени во различни програми за мобилност и група од 70 надворешни лица со договор на годишно / или проектна основа.
ECO–LOGIC is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to protection and conservation of the environment, promotion of modern ecological practices, as well as monitoring and promoting the principle of sustainable development, emphasizing primary education settings (formal and non-formal), kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools, as well as universities.
Our organization encourages and supports positive changes in the environment in the forms of:
- Promotion of the ecology as science,
- Protection and conservation of nature and the environment,
- Creating new “green” jobs based on the concept of sustainable development.
- Organization of SDG’s, sustainability, sustainability advising, SD in social entrepreneurship, educational SDG camps for youth, and project activities for both high school staff and students).
- Development and introduction of educational board games,
- Development and testing of tools for initiation of discussion among young people and adults
- Delivery of variety of campaigns such as environmental campaigns, worker’s rights campaigns, and many others.
ECO-LOGIC has a strong background and experience in child, youth and adult related work, emphasizing non formal education activities on various topics Eco Logic has strong network with 150 elementary schools and 30 high schools across Macedonia. It also collaborates with the City of Skopje (Department for Education), Adult Education Center as well as with Bureau for Development of Education.
CFPC – Continuous Vocational Training Centre is an avant-garde NGO deeply committed to adult, youth and educators’ development in Romania and across EU. With a vast presence from South-Muntenia to North-West, CFPC focuses on underserved communities, employing a dedicated team of experts and passionate volunteers.
The organization’s mission seamlessly integrates educators’, adults and youth needs with sustainable development goals, providing essential professional and life skills, social integration methodologies, and future-ready vocational training. Unique educational approaches include Computational thinking, LEGO-based methodologies, and initiatives addressing migrant education, all mapped to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
CFPC boasts diverse programs, such as coding bootcamps, financial literacy sessions, and environmental stewardship, emphasizing holistic development. With over 14 years of educational leadership, digital literacy, and sustainable development expertise, CFPC’s staff and volunteers contribute to vocational training in alignment with SDGs, while also addressing migrant education and educators’ CPD. Positioned uniquely, CFPC is poised for meaningful contributions to sustainable development projects.